We were approached by residents regarding security gates to their alleyways. This was a project taken on that took quite a long time to do. All households were asked to say whether they wished to have these gates or not, and special consent had to be obtained from residents who lived in the properties to which the gates were attached. Most of these gates have been kept in good repair and are locked all of the time. People were asked to pass on the gate keys when they left the property but there have been several instances when we have been approached by new residents who have not got been given gate keys. We try to help out whenever we can.
​After several years the gates were looking rather shabby so we again got funding to buy paint to rejuvenate these, asking residents if they would paint their own alleyway gate. One or two agreed and there was one resident who volunteered to do his gate and ended up painting almost every gate on Glapton Road, for which we were most grateful. Several gates still need painting.